My name is Alice and I write body horror. Outside of writing, I am an Epidemiologist and Geneticist working on the palaeoepidemiology of haemorrhagic fevers
My latest release is Bloodstains on Apples, the second book in the Gothic horror trilogy Dreams About Vampires. Emrys, Siân, and Nyssa are playing with dark forces beyond their controll and Llangryn really can't tollerate another celestial event. Bloodstains on Apples is the second book in the trillogy.
At the moment, I am in the process of outlining sequels, most notably Thoughts on Carnage (Dreams About Vampires #3), The Mist In Their Vision (Misguided Minds #2), and Proterozoic Pains (Principles of Palaeontology #2)
Find more about my books here
Bloodstains on Apples is out now! more...
Joint event with C.R.R. Hillin on 19th of March, featuring a giveaway and a Bloodstains on Apples reading. more..
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